Sunday 22 December 2019


Everybody was looking forward to Christmas, or, simply some time to relax for a little bit and recover energy to start working harder again.
I would like to wish my students and their families a happy new year and all the best for 2020 with this Christmas card:

I should also like to take this opportunity to thank my ESO students for the significant contribution they made to take part in the Christmas Contest. They created special ornaments and decorated their classroom door. If only they had this illusion hanging over their heads and others could follow their examples.

I give my sincere congratulations to Claudia Cidoncha and Isabel González who were the winners of the Xmas Ornament Contest this year:

Now, students, it is time to relax but do not forget: 
There is time for everything. 
The key is knowing how to organise it!

Friday 13 December 2019

First Term Speaking: 1ºB Bilingual Section

Students were asked to choose any topic and make a presentation about it in front of their classmates. They were also asked to grade the other presentation. I should say that all the students did an excellent job but the best ones chosen were:

Tuesday 10 December 2019

First Term Speaking: 1ºBHB

This term students made a presentation providing detailed information about a person in their family circle or a friend. Each studen was also asked to grade their classmates'  work.
The results were as follows: