Thursday, 25 April 2019

BOOK DAY: The Little Prince Chapter XXI

On the occasion of World Book Day, some students of mine were chosen to take part in another activivity for our eTwinning project. The proposed activity by the French teacher María López consisted in reading the chapter XXI from The Little Prince by Saint-Exupery in the three languages: Spanish, English and French. 
First of all, Ciara Rock sent on the recording in English by two Irish students of the chosen chapter so that my students had the opportunity to use this resource to help them with their pronunciation. They could hear it as many times as necessary since it was available on Google Drive.

Then on April 23rd, Pablo González and Claudio Terrados recorded their classmates reading the chapter in English in our school library. The pupils involved in this activity were: Lucía Banda, Luis Brito, Marina Gallardo, Paloma García, Andrea Parejo, Juan Romero and Sergio Ruiz. Before that day, the students themselves shared out the task of dividing the charter so that each of them could read a certain number of sentences. 
The result is shown in the following video edited by Pablo: